I have made oreo truffles quite a few times in a the past couple of years and absolutely ADORE them. I'm not huge into chocolate, I don't crave it like a lot of people do, but for some reason, these sweet, rich, little bites are irresistible. It's like taking a bite out of heaven each and every time! I kind of got tired making the same old ones, dipped in semi sweet chocolate, then sprinkled with some more Oreo so went on a search for some other ideas. Of course, I went to FLICKR to find some gorgeous pictures and found some cute ideas, the cupcake ones being my favorite. So I decided to give those a try... once I started shaping them, my son walked by and said "Why you you making mushroom's with this batch?" I thought "What a GREAT idea :) So thats where it started... thanks Blake lol!
They take some work because of the melting, but are so adorable that you can't resist! I thought I would show both the mushroom and cupcake idea since I was making both kinds with my kids... here we go, the base recipe is seriously too simple:
Mushroom & Cupcake Oreo Truffles
1- package of OREO's (I use the reduced fat ones because I like to pretend they are better for ya)
1- 8 oz package cream cheese (softened completely to room temperature)
1- 6-8 oz bar semi sweet chocolate (I like Ghirardelli)
1 to 2- packages candy melts (red & white for mushrooms and pink for cupcakes or whatever color you wanna make yours)- these can be purchased at JoAnne's, Michael's, or cake decorating stores. HERE is a list of colors.
Additional things needed: Multi colored sprinkles & mini M & M's (preferably the red ones)
Let's get started!
um yeah... thats it, thats all ya need. crazy right? The first few steps here are the same if you want to make the "plain" old, super yummy oreo truffles...
You will also need a little cookie cutter shaped like a flower or even something fluted might work. I can't remember where I got this one, but this is the shape you are lookin for:
1. Ok first things first... pulverize all of your cookies EXCEPT about 7-10 of them (only if you are making the regular truffles otherwise you can crush all of them). Set those aside for a bit. Put them in a small zip lock bag and crush them down. They don't have to be completely broken down, but crushed enough to sprinkle on top of the truffles later on!
I use my food processor to do the big batch, but I suppose if you don't have one of those nifty machines, you can throw the cookies in a zip lock bag and use a rolling pin to crush them. That would be a good opportunity for the kiddos to help too :) Just make sure that the cookies are REALLY good and crushed. Not using the processor will probably make the crushed cookies pretty inconsistent, so just do your best! They should be ground pretty smooth. Sorry for the crappy picture... hard getting it that close while trying to focus and hold the camera lol
2. Next add the cream cheese right into the food processor or into your bowl and mix, mix, mix! Slowly it will all come together into a big, fat, gooey lump of yummy!
3. Next you need to roll them into balls. I use a nifty, handy, dandy, scooper that gives me approximately 1 1/2 " balls :) I swear, this tool is one of my favorites for baking! I use it all of the time so if you don't have one and wanna get one... get a good, sturdy one!
I like to get them all scooped and then I go back and shape them... either into perfect little balls :) or into mushrooms/cupcakes. Place each one on a parchment lined baking sheet.
4. Now you have to shape em'! If you are doing the regular oreo truffles, just smooth them out and make them nice and rounded! If you are doing the mushroom/cupcakes, then you keep up with me here! OK This is probably totally inappropriate, but I can't help it and have to address it before you see the first shape you roll them into.... each and every time I look at this picture or think about the day I was shaping these, ALL I could think of was 1 thing... actually when my husband walked by and saw them, he must have thought the same thing because he asked me "Um, why are you making little balls?" Like literally... balls.
Inappropriate right? I don't think I can even look at that picture anymore without laughing lol! Alright, now that's off my chest I can continue :)
5. After you get that shape out of the way, all you have to do is slip 1 end of it into the cookie cutter. The dough is super soft and you can mold it pretty easy to fit. You only put about 1/2 of the ball into the cutter though. The rest are the tops of the mushrooms/cupcakes so you want to exaggerate it as best as you can to go over the edges to look mushroom-ey OR cupcake-ey. After a few tries, it will get easy and you will move right along and zip through all of them! Just takes a bit of practice!Slip it out of the cookie cutter CAREFULLY... it should look similar to this:
You are going to want to put them back on the cookie sheet so they can harden a bit in the fridge. Also, they aren't the "perfect" shape yet, so when you go to set them down on the parchment, just smush them down a LITTLE bit... start like this:
and end like this:
get them all on and then they go into the refrigerator until the get a bit more firm, at least 1 hour!
6. Once they are nice and cold, chop up your semi sweet chocolate into small pieces for melting. This is for the BOTTOM portion of the truffles. Oh I wanted to mention also.. some people use chocolate chips to melt and while they can work perfectly fine, I don't ever like using chips for melting because they have stabilizers added and won't melt quite as smooth as the real bars of chocolate. BUT if chips is all ya got, just add some CRISCO to them and they will be totally fine! Chop em up!
6. you can shop up your white candy melts if you want to melt faster, but you can also just leave them as is and go to the next step. This is for the BOTTOM portion of the truffles.
7. You need to melt the chocolate/candy melts. You can use the microwave, but I don't like using that method either.... I always feel like I have to watch it more close and it never comes out how I like it! So I do the double boiler by just placing a glass bowl on top of a little pot half filled with water.
Stir occasionally over medium heat and once the chocolate is super smooth and silky, turn off the heat and you are ready to start making them come to life :)
8. Grab the truffles out of the fridge. Grab one and dip the BOTTOM half into the chocolate... all the way up until the ridge. NOTE: Don't discard any left over melted white candy melts! You will need that for the mushroom dots!
Same goes for the regular semi sweet chocolate cupcakes! If you are doing the regular truffles, roll the WHOLE ball in the chocolate! Then just place them back onto the parchment paper.
They should set pretty quick, especially the candy melt ones. Semi sweet chocolate will take a bit longer and I actually always put them back in the fridge! But I always put both back in the fridge! To tell you the truth, I did the rest of the steps a couple of days after I coated the bottoms and they were all perfectly fine! Instead of just putting the baking sheet back in the fridge, I put all of the truffles in air tight containers just to be safe :) I will wanr you though, the only problem with waiting on doing the tops is you really can't resist eating them when they are right in front of you EVERY time you open the fridge!!! This is what happened to the batch I made and what they looked like when I was ready to coat and decorate the tops...
3 truffles TOTALLY went missing... go figure huh?
Alrighty, on to the super fun part! You need to grab your "topping" goodies:
8. Melt your other bag of candy melts either over the double boiler (preferred) or in the microwave and get ready to dip the tops!Since I did both kinds of truffles and Makena was dying to dip, I gave her the mushrooms to do :)
not bad huh? Pretty good for a 4 year old.... I think I have a future baker on my hands. Beat still my heart :)
Once the coating has hardened, you can remelt the white chocolate melts until its nice and smooth. Grab some type of "tool" to make your mushroom dots. I used the bottom tip of a chop stick. And just placed random dots on the top!
As for the cupcakes, I did the pink ones of course! Lemme note here that if you are doing the cupcake truffles, you have to work FAST with the dipping and topping! Have the sprinkles and M & M's close by and ready to use! Again, sorry, crappy, blurry picture lol!
Once you flip it right side up, immediately sprinkle! Then top with the "cherry" M & M!
Those bad boys are all set to go! Just pop them back in the fridge until you are ready to serve! Because of the hard "shell", they will hold up at room temp, BUT the inside will get a bit mushy. I like em super cold!